
Categories: DATABASES
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What Will You Learn?

  • MongoDB brings a host of benefits to the table. Its advantages include:
  • • NoSQL databases are cheaper and easier to maintain. NoSQL databases have features like easier data distribution, simpler data models, and automatic repair. These benefits require less administrative costs and, consequently, are less expensive.
  • • It’s open-source and incurs fewer server costs. Open-source is free. NoSQL databases use cheaper servers, so the price of data storage and processing per gig is significantly lower.
  • • It’s easily and highly scalable. Since NoSQL databases like MongoDB expand horizontally, you can scale by adding more machines to your resource pool.
  • • It supports integrated caching. System memory caching boosts data output performance.
  • • MongoDB has no schema hassles. You can place data into a NoSQL database without requiring a predefined schema, so you can change the data model and formats without disrupting applications.
  • • It’s user-friendly. MongoDB offers plenty of useful features (Ad-hoc queries, aggregation, capped collection, file storage, indexing, load balancing, replication, server-side JavaScript execution) that makes it a user-friendly database.

Course Content

Chapter 1: What is MongoDB?

Chapter 2: Importing, Exporting, and Querying Data

Chapter 3: Creating and Manipulating Documents

Chapter 4: Advanced CRUD Operations

Chapter 5: Indexing and Aggregation Pipeline

Chapter 6: Next Steps